
Person 1 - Industry Expert
Anthony Faeita
Has worked on various Tech startups and established companies. Tony is also an incredibly competent programmer and has become extremely proficient in software development throuugh self teaching and online courses.

I took a class with him about a year ago and decided to hit him up to reconvene and find out what he has been up to since.

His favor to me was our meeting. He actually proposed that I join the team he is building for a new product that he's developing so I might be moving forward with him on that project over the fall.

The inclusion of him in my network is important because he has experienced a lot of the challenges that I will be facing in the near future.

Person 2 - Market Expert
Travis Whitton
Travis is the CTO of the local marketing company, Sharpspring. I had the opportunity of going to meet him and tour his office. Sharpspring is really involved in the Gainesville entrepreneurial community and I definitely learnt a lot from talking to him.

I went to a presentation that Travis did in Marston a few months ago and decided to reach out to him and potentially leverage that relationship.

His favor to me was our meeting and I think that my favor to him was looking at what he works on with fresh eyes; sometimes the perspective of an amateur is useful!

The inclusion of him in my network is very inspiration tom be honest. I'm lucky to have someone so well versed in the field that I wish to enter as someone I can contact!

Person 3 - Industry Supplier
Jacob Bleser
Jacob is a second year computer science student and has started a software development company with one of his friends. He already has multiple contracts and is an actrive supplier of software in the local tech community.

I'm on the executive board of the entrepreneurship collective at UF and Jacob is one of our longest standing members. I decided to contact him about the work he does.

Jacob is a nice guy so I think we both just enjoyed talking to someone with so much in common. There was no favor.

Targeted networking is really interesting and makes it a lot easier to get value out of your connections. Additionally, by going to talk to people that you know you can learn from make the initial interaction a lot easier. I think this is because people find it easy to talk about themselves so when given the opportunity most will jump at it.


  1. Greetings! Do you think that your classmates have the experience to be industry experts? How has his development of similar software affected his education? Im always excited when I meet people in the same industry as me and the development of relationships with those people is very important in the entrepreneurship process. I hope he is a valuable addition to your team!

  2. Hey Oluwaseyi! In response to Robert's comment, I think that even if classmates aren't technically experts, they are just as, if not more, important than people who have been in the industry their whole lives. Our classmates will move on to big things, just like us, so they're probably the most valuable relationships to develop right now. Great job talking to a variety of people and establishing a good rapport with all of them!


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