4A - Forming an opportunity belief

I think that there is a potential opportunity for innovation in eyewear. Glassees have a lot of issues that could be dealt with, things like how they fog up and fall off and break easily, they're truly the worst. As someone who has had glasses for over ten years I can say for certain that there is a lot of work to be done when it comes to eyewear.
Everyone with glasses has the same need for change. Glasses are so fragile and annoying in a multitude of ways. These issues have existed since they were created and the only true and significant innovation that has been made regarding glasses have soley been to make them look better, not be worth the inordinate price that is paid for them. Im 100% sure that if a more durable, slip, scratch and fog resistant pair of glasses came out on the market it would be incredibly well recieved.
The prototypical customer is anyone, young or old, with bad eyesight and a pair of spectacles.

Customer 1:
What specific gripes do you have with your glasses?

They are a little too tight and put pressure on the sides of my head. Also when I get sweaty they tend to slip down the bridge of my nose

When did you discover these issues ?

Pretty much immediately after I started wearing glasses, about five months ago

What do you currently do to fix these issues?

Since my vision isnt too bad and im fairly far sighted I just take breaks from wearing them often.

Are you satisfied with this solution?

Not particularly, Its still a really annoying issue to deal with as im sure most people with glasses can tell you.

Customer 1:
What specific gripes do you have with your glasses?

They are a little too tight and put pressure on the sides of my head. Also when I get sweaty they tend to slip down the bridge of my nose

When did you discover these issues ?

Pretty much immediately after I started wearing glasses, about five months ago

What do you currently do to fix these issues?

Since my vision isnt too bad and im fairly far sighted I just take breaks from wearing them often.

Are you satisfied with this solution?

Not particularly, Its still a really annoying issue to deal with as im sure most people with glasses can tell you.

Customer 2:
What specific gripes do you have with your glasses?

They get dirty easily and smudge the makeup on my nose

When did you discover these issues ?

Pretty soon after I got them, its been a couple years now.

What do you currently do to fix these issues?

I just deal with it to be honest. Its not that big a deal but can be sort of frustrating after wearing them for a long time

Are you satisfied with this solution?

No but I value the aesthetics of my glasses over the mild inconveniences that come along with them.

Customer 3:

What specific gripes do you have with your glasses?

I never seem to have a cleaning cloth on me so theyve become really scratched over the years. Also they break really easily

When did you discover these issues ?

After like a year of having them. Ive been wearing glasses since I was eight

What do you currently do to fix these issues?

I clean them with my shirt which is annoying becuase it doesnt clean them well and after time they get really scraped up.

Are you satisfied with this solution?

Not really, theyre truly an inconvenience and cost way too much to just pick up a new pair.


I discovered that alot of the problems people have with their glasses are echoed in the experiences of others. The issue of getting makeup on them was something I hadnt considered and it was interesting to get the female perspective on such a matter. Additonally I think that the original opportunity is even more viable now that I've asked people about it. In my experience its been the case that after talking to potential customers the original idea is either strengthened or shifted so I think that getting the input of others is one of the most important things that a potential business owner can do when trying to refine a business plan / concept.


  1. Hey Oluwaseyi, I can definitely relate to your opportunity belief as I wear glasses/contacts and regularly have issues with them. In fact, the reason I switched to contacts was because of how problematic glasses can be. I believe a lot of people have similar problems, as supported by the customers you interviewed, and a new innovation for eyewear would benefit a large number of people. Great job!

  2. Hey Seyi,
    Really awesome post brother. I didn't know that there were so many struggles with people wearing glasses until I read this. And I know there are a lot of people that much prefer glasses over contacts because they don't like having something in their eyes 24/7. Creating a durable set of glasses is definitely doable and needs to be done for those that don't like to wear contacts. Especially something like the pressure on the sides of the head. That is something that's an easy fix and no person should have to deal with that.


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