13A - Reading Reflection No. 1

The book I read was "Shoe Dog" by Phil Knight, founder of Nike.

1) I was most surprised by how little an understandng I had of the financial side of business. I was shocked at how long Knight was in a state of having no money despite the fact that his business was making millions.
2) I truly admired Knight's perserverance. There were so many points during that story that I was convinced that there was absolutely no possible way that he could come back from the challenges he faced, whether it was not a single bank wanted to be associated with his company or when he was being sued by one of the most impactful shoe manufacurers in Japan he pushed through every challenge.
3) I am no longer confused but when I read the book I was very lost when it came to the whole concept of the stock market and I didn't know what an IPO was and all of the potential trouble it can cause.
4) During those moments when it seemed bleak and you had no idea how to get yourself out of the situations you were in were there any specific practices you utilized to keep your composure?
What is your opinions of Nike's practices today and is there anything you would change about the company you built? I'd love to get Knight's insight on these things because I feel that I could apply these concepts to the projects that I'm working on now.
5) I think that Knight loved hardwork and was enamored with the feeling of  being in the trenches. He must've to have kept going through the conditions he was in. And yes, I share this opinion when it comes to doing work that I love.


  1. Hey Oluwaseyi! I almost picked this book for my reading reflection, but went with Berry Gordy's instead. I had no idea that Nike was sued by a Japanese shoe manufacturer or that banks didn't want to associate with the company. It seems like powerhouse brands like Nike were around since the beginning of time, but all brands must start somewhere. Love your layout, by the way!

  2. Greetings, Ive always found Nike to be one of the most interesting stories in business lore. He was someone who struggled to create his company and pushed through the adversity that he faced. He was also someone who was a greate marketing genius who convinced people that paying absurd amounts of money for shoes was acceptable. I saw many comparisons to Jobs from my reading reflection.


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