
Chris Bass

What kind of work do you do that would benefit from a time management system?
I am involved in a lot of clubs and organizations on campus in addition to my job at the O'Connell Center. A platform like this would be awesome, however, I don't see it as a very feasible idea if to get the most out of it I'd have to integrate it into the platforms I use for all of my other committments, as there are already so many well established programs that those I interact with regularly wouldn't be willing to change from.

Why wouldn't a service like this benefit you at this point in time?
At this point in time I already have a workflow and have created some way of organizing my time. If you move forward with this idea, however, I'd love to see how you could show people how to get the most use out of a program similar to one that they already use.

What system do you currently use to mend this issue?
I use the google arsenal to complete most of my tasks right now, a combination of gmail, google calendar and keeps.

Collin Forbes.

What kind of work do you do that would benefit from a time management system?
I'm the CEO of a startup called ClassroomSync. We are a growing team and are frequent users of time and task management software. 
Why wouldn't a service like this benefit you at this point in time?
Currently we as a team use a task management software called monday, however, as a CEO, my personal life spills over into my work life pretty frequently so an all in one software that could compile all of these tasks into a central location that was a bit less primitive that a messy calendar would be awesome.
What system do you currently use to mend this issue?
As I mentioned, my team uses Monday, but for my own personal organization I use the apple calendar. Its syncs to my phone and my laptop automatically so its pretty useful.

Cole Kitroser

What kind of work do you do that would benefit from a time manegement system?
I only do two things currently, work, which is really easy, and school. I work around 20 hours a week and go to school the rest of the time. In addition, its summer so my schedule is pretty light. I guess it would be good to get accustomed to using a time management software though.

Why wouldn't a service like this benfit you at this point in time?
I don't really have enough going on to justify investing time into a platform that I probably wont end up using pretty often. Also my schedule is so light that I can survive without any kind of time management system.

What system do you currently use to mend this issue?
Currently I have so little to do that I don't really use anything. I'll put a reminder on my phone if anything notable comes up but fot the most part I can just keep a mental note of when I need to be where.

Jackson Makielski

What kind of work do you do that would benefit from a time management system?
I'm a student, a serial entrepreneur and I travel a lot. Managing my time everyday is kinda the only way for me to stay sane. But, to answer your question, everything I do requires some element of time management.

Why wouldn't a service like this benefit you at this point in time?
I actually just recently figured out a time management system that works well for me so I don't see the need to find something else.

What system do you currently use to mend this issue?
I use a combination of a planner/ journal, google calendar and IFTTT (a automation app) to manage my time.

Sandra Hector

What kind of work do you do that would benefit from using a time management system?
I work for a nonprofit part-time and am in the process of building a nutrition consulting business called Food Culture Consultants. All of these moving parts would benefit greatly from some sort of time management tool. 

Why wouldn't a service like this benefit you at this point in time?
My team already uses a tool like this. It isnt very efficient but it works well enough at the small scale we are at currently. And for my own organization I use a physical planner.

What system do you currently use to mend this issue?
My team using a board-like app called Trello.

Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary
Who: Startups, disorganized people, Professionals Who: Older peple, Established Businesses
Need: a system to make some sense of their situationNeed isn't: A complicated system they have to learn
Why: Tools are available but there is no concrete method of organization taught.Alternative Explanations: People are content with their current situation and see no need to change it


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