
Inbound Maketing - Brian Halligan

The main theme of the book was rethinking the way that markting is currently done. Outbound marketing is quickly becoming defunct and Hallingan does a great job of explaining the most effective forms of garnering attention in this new technological age.

This book relates to what I've been learning in this class in multiple ways. It really breaks down how people ingest information and talks about the most effective ways to convert visitors to actual leads.

If I were to design a class activity based on this book I think that it would be to create some make-shift content for a fake product and formulate a simple but effective marketing plan to make it a hit on campus. You would be required to utilize tools such as seo management and social media marketing.

The thing that suprised me the most while reading this book was learning just how much control websites such as google and facebook have over the content we see and just how effective businesses with a minimal budget can get with their targeted ads.


  1. Hi Oluwaseyi! This book sounds like something I'd enjoy. SEO is something I work with a lot for my job as a graphic designer and marketing assistant. It really isn't that difficult to understand what SEO is, but it's incredible what effective SEO management can do for the clients I work with. I might just pick this one up for our next reading assignment!

  2. Greetings! I would have loved to have read this book! Online marketing is a really important part of our culture nowadays and its understanding is critical. I would love to create a fake product and market it using traditional marketing techniques vs. new age marketing techniques. I think this could really show the effectiveness of the different skills and the difference between them.

  3. Hey Oluwaseyi, nice job with this post. This book does sound like an interesting read. And the exercise you designed sounds effective. About your aha moment, yes, its quite amazing that online platforms have so much control over the information we are exposed to and can really help businesses willing to pay for ads. Great job!


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